Thursday, December 25, 2008

Why do they need a war with us?

The developments in the past week has taken me aback. Pakistan has started building troops in the border, conducting war drills and aircraft sorties over cities. While the Indian PM is hell bent in avoiding war and constantly reminding Pak that they only got to nab terrorists and their breeding grounds, Pakistan's ISI has started analysing areas it can attack in India including Kolkata.
War would not be a solution to this problem. Previously I was of the notion that waging a war and cleaning threats the Israel way would solve the problem. But now, not. Because, at the will be surrounded by enemies and endlessly we have to keep increasing our defence expenditure and cannot live in peace, like having your house besides a hostile neighbour waiting to seize a chance to jump into a fight for the silliest reason. War is bad for Pakistan only! It will accelerate their fall into the abyss. They already are economically in a pitiable situation. Their government has to focus into problems like public's literacy, hunger, health etc instead of spending on war. They already are not able to tackle internal political issues. War would swipe off Pak's financial reserves. And war has become very expensive these days. Just imagine if a fighter aircraft gets shot down you lose 400 crore rupees. A missile which can shoot down an aircraft costs 2-3 crores. For flying an aircraft for one hour you need to spend 4-5 lakh rupees on fuel alone. Just to give you an idea. You have to mobilise troops, food for them and the most precious thing is human lives lost in a war(I'm not a pacifist though).
Zardari should be called as Psuedo president. The real president is Kiyani, Army chief of Pak. It looks like ISI and Kiyani have joined hand in hands and taken all Zardari's power. It was evident when taliban announced that it can back Pak army if there was an all out war. Kiyani is the master mind behind all the war fury Pakistan is showing the world whereas Zardari's job is only to tell the world "Evidence is not enough, Qasab doesnt belong to Pak". He keeps denying whatever India tells.
This is going to continue until India responds immediately and gathers the support of International community as soon as it got the evidences. Diplomatic isolation will help us a lot. Pakistan can't stand that. It will be constrained and hence we can expect that it will act immediately. That could be the only solution.


V.Sakthi Kannan said...

I agree with u.. A war might bring some advancements for India now(Hopefully!). But both the countries will have to spend huge amount. Both the countries will defer lot of activities for the people of the country. India can manage such activities to an extent compared to Pakistan as Pakistan is already badly affected by bad economy. This will result in the stateless people diverting the fresh young minds into stateless actors.That will be still bad for both India and Pakistan.....

Maverick Mari said...

Hi Kishore,
Good article. But i have a slightly different opinion. We should wage a war attacking mainly the terrorist bases & training camps. Civilians should not be targeted.We can mobilise huge funds for war by collecting tax-free donations from people and by sucking out all the black money(Sivaji style).Let this war be considered as a response to any natural disaster(Like Earthquake,Floods,Tsunami..etc).But we should know when to start and where to finish.It should be well-planned.It should not end up as a long-drawn one depleting all our resources.Even in that case too,Pakistan will be depleted first and surrender.We can rebuild our nation like what Japan did after World War II.This Final War of Independence will bring the people of India closer. What do you say?