Friday, July 24, 2009

An insult by whom?

Kalam was not in headlines for quite some time.. This month he was,but not for good reasons. He was frisked by continental airlines some 3 months back. Our responsible politicians have nothing to argue about in parliament . It appears to me like they have been hunting for issues to discuss... Pity them, India is a developed and a problem free country and they have no issues to discuss in Parliament. They had found this issue and i feel sorry for Kalam.
Of course, frisking an ex-president is a misdemeanour. Airline staff were aware of this, but they obliged to their company's rules than to Indian constitution. Our honorable MPs have demanded an apology from Continental Airlines. They had followed Transport Security Administration rules and were defending their staff. They openly stated we can not apologize. Our Patriotic MPs including Aviation ministry told media, if they aren't going to apologize, their license will be cancelled. Cont Airlines were made to bow and finally they apologized. I don't understand what a person can get out of an apology that was begged for! A person of Kalam's stature shouldn't be treated this way. The way he envisioned India to be a developed country I'm sure no forthcoming president would do it. They dragged him into mud and have put him in a delicate situation. Just tell me, what can he comment on this? These goddamn MPs gained what out of this apology. These shameless b@#$%&ds didn't make any enemy state bow down like this when we were attacked. Sitaram Yechury went to the extent of politicizing this issue saying they might have frisked him because he was a Muslim. Why the hell he is dragging religion in to this.
Are we such a safe & affluent nation to talk about issues like this. One day at parliament two idiots were fighting with each other for answering to one another's question in a different language.
Why the hell we elect such assholes? We are to blame! Who knows, they may find this silly blog and take me to task for calling them assholes. Jobless b@#$%^&ds!
Now tell me who insulted Kalam?

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